Painting with skeins of thread, embroidering erotic designs, weaving desires. Sophia Narrett manages to bring erotic scenes to life by creating a new…SOPHIA NARRETT

The paper armour 

In the ancient era of China around 400 B.C., military innovation took a fascinating turn as the Chinese army devised an ingenious armor made from an unexpected material – fabric and folded cardboard. This unconventional choice in armor construction aimed not only to provide protection for the warriors but also to enhance their overall battlefield... Continue Reading →

Research and key words

Exploration of Key Concepts: Armour, Anthropomorphism, Uncanny, Fortress, Containers, Weakness Armour: Beyond its practical function, the symbolism of armour extends into the realm of life's challenges, urging individuals to adopt a vigilant and careful approach. It becomes a metaphorical shield, often worn during emotionally trying times such as a breakup, where the instinct to protect... Continue Reading →

Inspiration for my piece

Within the expansive tapestry of my creative journey, a myriad of images has played a pivotal role in igniting the spark of inspiration for my artistic endeavors. These visual stimuli, often characterized by grandiosity and a compelling anthropomorphic perspective, have become the cornerstone upon which I weave the narrative of my creative vision. Venturing into... Continue Reading →

Warren King Artist

In the realm of artistic innovation, Warren King emerges as a trailblazer, crafting captivating and intricately detailed pieces of art with nothing more than cardboard, glue, and a knife. Hailing from the United States, King channels his creative prowess into transforming these humble materials into extraordinary works of art. However, it was during a sojourn... Continue Reading →

Mark Lagan Artist

Residing in the vibrant city of Cleveland, nestled within the heart of Ohio, artist Mark Langan has carved out a unique niche for himself, creating awe-inspiring sculptures that redefine the boundaries of artistic expression. What sets Langan apart is not just the endearing beauty of his creations, but the remarkable process he employs in their... Continue Reading →

James Lake artist

In the realm of sculptural artistry, James Lake stands as a seasoned craftsman, hailing from the United Kingdom and dedicating the past two decades of his creative journey to the transformation of cardboard into breathtaking three-dimensional wonders. What sets Lake apart is not just his longevity in working with this unassuming material but the sheer... Continue Reading →


In the inaugural project of our creative endeavor, the assignment mandated the fabrication of a bowl, allowing for autonomy in material selection and intended functionality. The chosen material and design were open to interpretation, thereby affording a broad spectrum of creative exploration. The thematic underpinning of my bowl design was articulated through a set of... Continue Reading →

Intention for exhibition module

Intention for exhibition module:  Make several skulls with social labels engraved around the surface. Make same skulls but different labels for each one, the labels will refer to victims of discriminatory attacks, I estimate that the research will be since 2016 to the actual times. In between I will keep producing my own clay. I... Continue Reading →

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